Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Firm Goal

Well, I'm signed up for the Lincoln 1/2 marathon on 5/1. I've found someone to walk with me, so I'm set to go. I really deliberated over this, but I think a walking partner is my best bet. I was worried that I would run too much and/or push myself more than I should. It'll be much nicer to be walking with a friend. I hope we're still able to push ourselves.

I want to do some running during my 'training' but will be focused on walking distance and getting back into my DVD workouts. I haven't been doing as much as I'd like in this area. But now I have a goal of 13.1 miles on 5/1...

1 comment:

  1. BIG :-) Looking forward to seeing you finish the 1/2 marathon.
